When the growing season begins, it's vital to get your lawn and landscaping maintenance routine established. Grass and plants need to be regularly maintained throughout the growing season to ensure that they grow properly.

Learn about three of the bare necessities that your lawn and landscape need in Noblesville, Westfield, Carmel, and other nearby areas in Indiana.

Establish a proper mowing schedule.

Lawn being mowed in Noblesville, IN.

One of the most important factors in lawn health is a proper mowing schedule. Typically, the Indiana growing season begins in late March or early April and lasts until late October or early November. During that time, it's vital to mow at routine intervals, such as weekly or bi-weekly mowing. Hiring a professional mowing company such as Sprout Lawn & Landscape ensures your lawn will always be mowed on the same routine basis. We always follow best practices for lawn mowing and maintenance and all of our mowing visits include string-trimming, edging, and blowing.

Apply the first treatment of fertilization and pre-emergent weed control.

Along with proper lawn mowing, your grass in Carmel also needs nutrients and weed control treatments. In spring, we begin applying custom fertilizer that we create based on the results of your soil test. That test shows us where your lawn may be lacking in nutrients so we can compensate for that in your fertilization.

A pre-emergent weed control treatment will help curb the appearance of weeds in your lawn such as crabgrass, clover, dandelions, and others that will quickly grow without routine weed control. If weeds aren't treated, they can end up taking over your entire yard, so start your lawn's year off right with weed control applications.

Trim and prune any landscape plants that need it.

Pruning small trees and bushes in Carmel, IN.

Just like your grass, landscape plants need to be cut and trimmed too. Trimming helps to get rid of any wildly growing branches and shapes the plants throughout the year, which ensures your curb appeal remains consistent. Regular trimming also gives plant care professionals a chance to check the plants for any potential signs of plant diseases or insect infestations.

Pruning is sometimes used interchangeably with trimming, but it's not the same task. This is done generally once a year for the plant's health. It is done to remove any portion of plants that appear to be dying, diseased, or dead so that they do not continue to take away resources from the healthy part of the plant. For some plants, this should be done right after the plant comes out of winter dormancy—but for flowering shrubs or fruit-bearing trees, pruning should be done after they have bloomed.

We can trim hedges, shrubs, small trees, and other landscape plants.

Do you want to ensure your lawn and landscaping are prepared for the growing season? Then give us a call.

As we enter the growing season, you need to ensure your yard is prepared. Let us handle your lawn care and landscape maintenance this year! We service properties in Carmel, Noblesville, Westfield, and neighboring Indiana communities. Give us a call today at (317) 900-7151 to be added to our schedule!